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At Saucon Valley Auction, we offer competitive, world-class auction services that are completely customized for your needs. We are the only auction company in the tri-state area that uses up to 4 online bidding platforms to GUARANTEE high returns for your items. This method dramatically increases competition and your bottom line. We offer in-house bidding, up to 4 online bidding platforms, absentee, and live phone bidding. This gives us one of the world’s largest base of buyers. Each item can gather thousands of unique views and bids between live and online auctions. This in conjunction with our marketing, knowledge, and competitive rates, makes Saucon Valley Auction the best option in Lehigh Valley, Philadelphia and the entire Delaware Valley.
One item to entire collections, Autos, Real estate, Entire estate clean outs.
We specialize in senior downsizing and estate liquidation & preparation. Whether you need to sell one item or a complete estate, we make it easy. We're fully licensed, bonded, and insured. Having over 70 years of experience as antiques dealers and collectors, we can provide you with accurate estimates based on our knowledge. Our polite & friendly staff along with our affiliates are always here to help.
Comprehensive Auction Services
We offer FREE consultations & appraisals.
Helping individuals, attorneys, trusts, and estates. We can help you sell assets quickly. We offer FREE consultations and appraisals for your items. If you're new to auction services or just want an estimate, call today.
When you work with Saucon Valley Auction, you'll receive a seamless auction process from an inquiry to the final payout. Our process is fast and efficient, and it’s GUARANTEED SOLD to the highest bidder.
Saucon Valley Auction works closely with fiduciaries to complete the disposition of estates. We offer FREE consultations and appraisals for your items.
A one-stop source to help downsize, sell and/or liquidate the contents of your or your loved ones home.
Saucon Valley Auction has built a solid reputation on providing honest and knowledgeable services for buyers and sellers alike. With over 70 years of experience in providing exceptional services, we will help you achieve the highest possible return on today's market.
We're dedicated to your unique needs and will handle selling of your goods quickly and successfully. Our staff of highly experienced professionals is dedicated to providing you with excellent service and the protection of consignor assets.